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Chef – Har du rätt lön?

Är du chef och undrar hur din lön står sig jämfört med andra chefer? Ny lönestatistik från Unionen kan ge en fingervisning om du tjänar tillräckligt bra – och vara ett bra verktyg inför din nästa löneförhandling.
Ola Rennstam Publicerad
Man sitter och räknar mynt.
Chefer inom IT- och telekombranschen har högst medellön. Foto: Shutterstock

Via den här artikellänken hittar du uppdaterad lönestatistik.

Löneläget för landets chefer varierar stort och brukar påverkas av faktorer som bransch, kön och geografisk ort. Så också i den lönestatistik från Unionen som Chef & Karriär har tagit del av. Medellönen för chefer inom branschen IT- och telekom låg förra året på 62 600 kronor i månaden. Det är över 20 000 kronor mer än snittet för ledare inom Service och tjänster.

Det tycks också vara en lönemässig fördel att vara man och chef, om man får tro Unionens lönestatistik. Manliga chefer tjänar i genomsnitt 7 000 kronor mer än kvinnliga chefer.

Löneutvecklingen de senaste åren har varit gynnsam för cheferna, i snitt har lönerna ökat med över 13 procent under perioden 2016 till 2020.

Lönenivåer i olika branscher 2020



IT & Telekom62 600
Media & Kommunikation57 800
Farmaci & Hälsa56 600
Industri & Teknik54 500
Konsult & Finans55 800
Energi & Miljö53 800
Bygg & Fastighet51 200
Handel50 300
Transport & Logistik47 400
Organisationer & Föreningar44 700
Service & Tjänster41 600


Medellön fördelat på Unionens regioner

Högst snitt i Stockholm på 57 380 kr och lägst i Norrbotten med 42 736 kr.



Stockholm57 380
Göteborg54 030
Sydväst51 891
Uppland51 002
Östra Sörmland/Gotland50 201
Öst48 515
SjuHall48 456
Småland48 404
Mälardalen48 170
Bergslagen47 836
Sydost47 825
Skaraborg/Väst47 613
Värmland47 005
Gävleborg46 949
Dalarna45 860
Västerbotten 45 210
Mellannorrland44 140
Norrbotten42 736


Källa: Unionens lönestatistik för 2020 för chefsmedlemmar som själva angett att de har en ledande befattning.

Chef & Karriär

Chef & Karriär är Kollegas systertidning och görs för dig som är chef och medlem i Unionen.

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Wage guarantee and bankruptcy – here's how it works

If your employer goes bankrupt and cannot pay your salary, you can receive money from the state wage guarantee. But it is important to act quickly.
Martin Söderström Publicerad 12 mars 2025, kl 08:38
State wage guarantee can ensure that you receive a salary even in the event of bankruptcy. Foto: Colourbox.
  1. Can I get money from the wage guarantee if my employer goes bankrupt? 

    All employees, regardless of employment form, are covered by the state wage guarantee. You can receive compensation even as a CEO.

     To be entitled to the wage guarantee, you must be available to the labor market. Unionen's recommendation is that you register as unemployed with the Employment Service.

  2. How much can I get? 

    The maximum amount you can receive is four price base amounts, which means 235,200 kronor at the 2025 level. 
    You can never receive more than this, regardless of how high your salary has been.
    The wage guarantee applies to wages earned three months back from the date of the bankruptcy application.

    The guarantee also applies to the time between the bankruptcy application and the bankruptcy, as well as during the notice period. You can only receive money for a maximum of eight months, but the length depends on how much you earn. Many Unionen members have salaries that hit the ceiling and cannot receive money for the entire period. For example, someone earning 45,000 kronor a month can only receive wage guarantee for just over five months.

  3. When will I get the money? 

    Generally, it often takes between one and six months. How quickly you can receive money depends on several factors, such as how complicated the bankruptcy is and how cooperative the company is with the bankruptcy trustee. The bankruptcy trustee must determine the amounts to be paid out.

  4. What should I do myself? 

    If you do not receive your salary, it is important to contact your union as soon as possible. You should also ask the employer why the salary has not been paid.
    Do not wait to contact the union to be nice to the employer or because they say they will turn the downturn around. Unionen's firm belief is that employees must act quickly.

  5. What happens to my vacation? 
    For vacation, the three-month rule does not apply, and you can go further back in time.
    You can get paid for the days you have earned during the current earning year, remaining days from the previous earning year, and the days you were entitled to save from the year before last according to the vacation law. For example, if you had 25 vacation days in 2023 and chose to save five, you can get paid for them.

    This is a translation of an article originally written in Swedish. For the Swedish version, please see the link below.