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55 uppsagda tjänstemän – varje dag

Nästan 20 000 privatanställda tjänstemän förlorade jobbet förra året – det motsvarar 55 uppsagda varje dag.
– Utvecklingen fortsätter troligen på samma sätt under första halvåret 2025, säger Johan Lagerhäll, vd på TRR.
Uppsagda tjänstemän. Till vänster ett tomt skrivbord med en dator på, till höger en man som packar sina saker i en flyttlåda.
Nästan 20 000 tjänstemän förlorade jobbet under 2024. Handeln och byggbranschen drabbades hårdast, enligt TRR:s vd Johan Lagerhäll. Utvecklingen väntas fortsätta under första halvåret 2025. Foto: Colourbox.

Handeln och byggbranschen är mest utsatt. Under 2024 sades 19 890 privatanställda tjänstemän upp, en ökning med cirka 4000 personer jämfört med 2023. Det visar ny statistik från Trygghetsrådet, TRR. 

– Framför allt handeln brukar drabbas i en konjunkturförsämring, säger TRR:s vd Johan Lagerhäll.

Johan Lagerhäll, TRR.
Johan Lagerhäll, TRR.

Det betyder att det totala antalet uppsagda tjänstemän i privat sektor nu är på den högsta nivån på fem år. 

Efter pandemin hade de privatanställda tjänstemännens arbetsmarknad en positiv utveckling både 2021 och 2022. Men sommaren 2023 vände den nedåt.

Hur ser den närmaste framtiden ut?

– Den bästa bedömning vi kan göra är att det kommer fortsätta som under 2024, åtminstone under första halvåret 2025, säger Johan Lagerhäll.

Snabb återanställning för uppsagda tjänstemän

Samtidigt framhåller TRR att statistiken även ger en del positiva besked – till exempel att det i genomsnitt endast tar sex månader från uppsägning till nytt jobb. 95 procent av de uppsagda får nytt jobb, startar eget eller börjar studera.

– Det här är människor med lång yrkeserfarenhet och bra utbildning. De är attraktiva för andra arbetsgivare.

Att starta eget eller studera blir väl ett påtvingat alternativ för många? Målar inte TRR upp en ljusare bild än den verklighet den som förlorat jobbet möter?

– Av de 95 procent av de uppsagda tjänstemännen som fick en positiv lösning under året var det 8 procent som började studera och 7 procent som startade eget. Alla de övriga fick nytt jobb.

Sedan ett drygt år tillbaka har TRR ett utökat uppdrag att erbjuda privatanställda tjänstemän en möjlighet att bygga på sin kompetens under pågående anställning. Johan Lagerhäll understryker att det inte har med omedelbara hot om uppsägning att göra, utan snarare om att stå väl rustad om ett sådan situation skulle uppstå. 

– Vi har en hel del arbete framför oss för att göra den här möjligheten mer känd. Tillsammans med parterna försöker vi skaffa oss en ännu bättre bild av vilka kunskaper tjänstemännen behöver fylla på med.

Han tar AI som exempel. 

– Alla behöver lära sig mer om AI. Men vi behöver bli mer precisa om vad vi menar med begrepp som AI eller hållbarhet. Vilken kompetens är det som behövs i varje enskild yrkesroll, säger Johan Lagerhäll.

Text: Torbjörn Tenfält.

Nästan 20 000 tjänstemän förlorade jobbet under 2024

  • Totalt 19 890 uppsagda tjänstemän sökte stöd hos TRR under 2024
  • 12 504 tjänstemän har under året fått nytt arbete, börjat studera eller startat eget.
  • Genomsnittstiden för att hitta en ny sysselsättning var 181 dagar
  • 95 procent av tjänstemännen har fått en positiv lösning under året - av dessa gick 67 procent vidare till en tillsvidareanställning. 18 procent fick en tidsbegränsad anställning. 8 procent började studera och 7 procent startade eget
  • Branschen handel & försäljning har sagt upp flest – 17 procent. Därefter kommer bygg/anläggning/fastighet – 10 procent, och därefter teknikkonsulter – 9 procent.

Källa: TRR

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Look! A roller coaster – in the office

From childhood dream to reality. At the advertising agency The Great Exhibition, employees have created a full-scale roller coaster – through the office.
Ola Rennstam Publicerad 28 november 2024, kl 09:31
The Great Exhibition, a Stockholm based advertising agency, has created the world's first roller coaster in an office. The 60-meter-long track provides both thrills and increased job satisfaction, according to owner Petter Kukacka. Photo: Anders G. Warne

It's not uncommon for advertising agencies and other creative businesses to establish themselves in old factory premises with high ceilings and large windows. But building a 60-meter-long roller coaster – passing over meeting rooms and through the staff canteen – is not quite as common. In fact, the ride at The Great Exhibition's office is the first of its kind in the world. The idea has been with the company's owner, Petter Kukacka, since he was a child.

"I have always been interested in roller coasters and everything that runs on rails. Even in our previous premises, we had loose thoughts about a smaller version, but it fell through due to the low ceiling height. Here we have almost five meters to the ceiling," he says.

Complicated and expensive

It has been a year since the company moved to the thousand-square-meter premises in Stockholm, and Petter Kukacka could start realizing his dream. He emphasizes that the work has been a team effort from the beginning, and the commitment from the employees has been enormous.

"I am probably the one who has worked the least on this. We have taken help from lots of people, but we have designed and planned everything ourselves," he says.

However, building a roller coaster is not something you do in a morning. On the contrary, it turned out to be really complicated – and expensive. After making an initial sketch, The Great Exhibition contacted an expert in the USA whose safety comments led to new insights. A bridge engineer in Sweden calculated the strength, dimensioning of the steel structure, and made drawings. But when the agency started requesting price quotes, they got a real shock.

"We received quotes from roller coaster specialists in Germany and the USA for 3 million $. That was obviously far beyond our budget," says Petter Kukacka.

Built by a Ferris wheel factory in China

Many would probably have given up at this point, but not the staff at The Great Exhibition. One of Petter's friends, who is based in China, inquired at various factories in the country and got in touch with China's largest manufacturer of Ferris wheels. The price was acceptable to the advertising agency, and it became a deal – despite the uncertainty about whether the Chinese really understood what they wanted.

"It was a gamble because it was a very unclear deal, and there were some language barriers, but everything has gone smoothly," says Petter Kukacka.

Towards the end of the process, they visited the factory in China to ensure they had manufactured what was ordered and to ensure the quality of the welds and construction.

Premiere after a year of intense work

At the end of June, the four-ton structure arrived in Liljeholmen in a large container. Shortly thereafter, a couple of Chinese experts arrived to assemble the roller coaster in the office environment. The roller coaster car was designed by the design studio on their own, and on October 25th – after a year of intense work – it premiered. To everyone's relief, everything worked perfectly. And it does when Kollega gets to take a test ride:

The ride starts steep and slow, accompanied by a lot of noise. The track then runs above meeting rooms and the kitchen before the car plunges through the canteen and the open office landscape. It's over in less than a minute and offers a real thrill. Additionally, a photo is taken and printed at the end of the ride – just like at any amusement park.

Foto: Ola Rennstam

How much is the roller coaster used daily?

"It's not like we jump in and ride every day. But it's certainly running when we have after-work events, and customers and employees' children are very eager to come here and ride."

What has it meant for the workplace?

"The process of creating this together has been very fun and a fantastic way to bring this workplace together in a different way than before. The work of designing and driving the project has forced us to challenge ourselves. It may seem silly, but when you work creatively, it's important to maintain that vein. The pride is great that the track now stands here and that everything actually works."

"Initially, there were some – fully reasonable – objections from employees about why we should do this, and concerns were raised about the noise. An exciting discussion arose about what a workplace really is and how much time we spend at work."

How did you come up with the name 'Frontal Lobe'?

"The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that develops last and makes you rational. It's a reference to the idea that in our creative profession, you might need to remove some of your rational thoughts now and then."

This text has been translated with the help of AI.

The Great Exhibition

Design studio/advertising agency run by Petter Kukacka for fifteen years. The company has about ten employees and produces, among other things, commercials.

The Frontal Lobe: Roller coaster, approximately 60 meters of track, and reaches a top speed of 30 km/h. The track runs around the advertising agency's office in Stockholm.